Dr. Gregory Cumming

Stephen Sayles

Gregory Cumming obtained his B.A. (1986) in history at the University of LaVerne and M.A. (1988) and Ph.D. (2010) in history at the University of California, Riverside. In 1989, Dr. Cumming joined the staff of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California as an archivist. In 2003, Dr. Cumming served as the Director of Archives Programs at the Richard Nixon Library. In 2006, he re-joined the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) as the Supervisory Archivist of the new federal Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum and currently serves as the Staff Historian. Dr. Cumming also serves as a Senior Adjunct Professor at the University of LaVerne where he has taught since 2005.


Stephen Sayles obtained his B.A. (1968) in history at Chico State College, M.A. (1973) in history with distinction at California State University, Chico and Ph.D. (1978) in history at the University of New Mexico. Dr. Sayles has served as Assistant Professor (1982), Associate Professor (1985), Professor of History (1989), Acting Chair, Division of Social Science (1986-1987) and Chair, Department of History and Political Science (1989-1999) at the University of La Verne.